23 May,2008
Ms Marcia Devonport
West End Physiotherapy centre
62 Vulture street
West End
Brisbane 4101
Dear Devonport,
Re:Mr Bob Dawson,DOB:25 September,1924
I am writing on behalf of Mrs Elizabeth Dawson to request a home visit for her husband,Mr Dawson,who is recuperating from the left knee injury.He requires co-ordiation of care and assistance for improving his ambulation.
No need of on behalf of.
purpose should be simple and clear
physiotherapy needs should be written clearly.
Mr Dawson presented on 18 May of this month following a fall from the descending stairs and got a severe injury to the left leg. Consequently, general practitioner referred him to our care for performing dressing to the affected area and to help with activities of daily living .
On subsequent visits,Mr Dawson regained a satisfactory recovery without any sign of infection.He is able to walk with the help of assistance; however,he has minimal pain.
Based on the /Regarding the past medical history,Mr Dawson has had a stroke in 2004.He also has left side weakness, slurred speech and impaired balance and uses walking aid for mobility.Additionally,his wife repored that he does not know how to use walking stick appropriately.In context to social history,he resides in own house with wife.
Some irrelevant information in this paragraph.
Organise your letter in a way that one idea in one paragraph.
That means if you are saying past medical history, write only about that.
Under the above circumstance,it would be greatly appreciated if you could provide physiotherapy to improve his strength and educate him about the proper usage of walking cane.
For any information regarding Mr Dawson, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours sincerely,
Sonya Mathew
Registered Nurse
Blue Nursing Home Care Agency
Needs to concentrate on organisational skill
Avoid mixing of information
Best Wishes.