OET Writing Task
Case Notes:
Patient Details:
- Name: Mr. Robert Wilson
- DOB: 22 June 1958 (65 years old)
- Address: 12 Greenway Road, Sydney
Presenting Complaint:
- Brought to the emergency department today by his daughter due to increasing confusion and agitation over the past two days.
- Reports of occasional headaches and dizziness for the past week.
- No history of falls or head trauma.
Medical History:
- Hypertension (diagnosed 10 years ago, on Amlodipine 5mg daily).
- Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (diagnosed 8 years ago, on Metformin 500mg twice daily).
- No known allergies.
Social History:
- Lives alone; daughter visits weekly.
- Smoker (20 pack-years).
- Alcohol: occasional consumption.
Examination Findings:
- BP: 160/95 mmHg
- HR: 78 bpm, regular
- Temp: 37.1°C
- Neurological exam: Disoriented to time and place, no focal deficits.
- Blood glucose: 9.2 mmol/L.
- Suspected hypertensive encephalopathy or possible metabolic cause of confusion.
- Admit for observation and further investigations.
- Blood tests (CBC, renal function, electrolytes, blood glucose).
- CT brain scan to rule out stroke or other pathology.
- Neurology consultation requested.
Writing Task:
Using the information provided in the case notes, write a letter to Dr. Susan Harper, a neurologist at City Neurology Clinic, requesting urgent assessment and further management of Mr. Wilson. Address the letter to:
Dr. Susan Harper
City Neurology Clinic
25 Park Street, Sydney